Call for papers

ICODOC 2017: ICAR young researchers' conference

Objects, supports and instruments: Multiple perspectives on the diversity of resources mobilized in interaction

June 15 and 16 2017, ENS Lyon

>>> Extend of the deadline for submitting a contribution: 
on the site

ICAR laboratory (Interactions, Corpus, Learning, Representations, UMR 5191) is specialized in multidimensional analysis of the uses of spoken language in interaction and of text. The particularities of the analytical approaches that are practiced and developed in our laboratory consist of a tool-based understanding of large corpora of texts, oral and written. Thus ICAR unites several research teams focusing on various scientific fields such as interactional linguistics, corpus linguistics, the study of acquisition and learning, language and science didactics, and French linguistics.

After a first edition in 2015 devoted to the methodological issues of complex corpora, ICAR laboratory is organizing its second international multidisciplinary conference for young researchers (PhD candidates and PhDs) working in the fields of the two disciplines that represent the laboratory’s areas of research – language sciences and education sciences.

For this second 2017 edition, we wish to propose a common framework of reflection around the notion of resource from the point of view of language sciences and education sciences. For the participants, this will mean problematizing this notion according to their research perspectives.

The contributions will be structured around the following three themes:

Theme #1  – doing with and doing without: the mobilized resources

This theme will question the ways in which the resources are involved in interactional and/or didactical situations, as well as in written corpora. Several questions can be raised:

  • What are the resources mobilized? How, why and for what purposes?
  • How can an object become a resource?
  • What about digital tools in written texts and in multimodal interactions and/or learning situations?
  • What are the effects of the use (or non-use) of a resource?

Theme #2 – make it do and make it say: intentionality and agency

Other questionings can consider the notions of intentionality and agency. We will thus be interested in the mobilization of various resources in ordinary interactional situations or learning/didactical situations, as well as in the analysis of a spoken or written discourse in general.

  • How do the actors mobilize the resources to direct an activity?
  • What are the resources used to guide learning? How can the interaction become a pedagogical or didactical resource?
  • What are the multimodal clues that can be used to request someone’s intervention or to offer one’s own help in an interactional situation?
  • How to describe discourse, as a resource, and its impact on the receiver (political, ideological, esthetical discourse, etc.).

Theme #3 – resources by and for the researcher

Furthermore the proposed communications can problematize the researcher’s theoretical and methodological positions when confronted with the notion of resource:

  • The corpora (written, spoken, multimodal) as a resource for the research: how does the researcher create and process his/her data?
  • What resources does the researcher use to present and promote his or her results? What choices, selections, hierarchy can be found in the organization of scientific discourse?
  • Objects, supports, instruments, and resources: what is the transversality of these notions and their definitions through the different fields of research?

The expected communications must provide a contribution to the question of the mobilization of various resources (material or non-material) in:

  • Interactions in various contexts;
  • Didactical and learning situations;
  • The interpretation and production of texts, objects and discourses (written, audio, video, images…).

This conference will allow PhD students and young PhDs to present their research and to confront their reflections with those of their colleagues from France and abroad; but also to create a network with other teams/laboratories from linguistics, didactics and other disciplines, and to reinforce existing networks.

Expected publications 

Accepted contributions (oral presentations or posters) will be offered the possibility of two kinds of publication:

  • Before the conference: the conference’s abstracts will be posted online (5000 characters with spaces + 5 bibliographical references maximum).
  • After the conference: the selected articles will be published on paper and digitally in a collective volume (in SHS Web of Conferences).

Format of contributions

We will accept two presentation formats either in French or in English:

  • oral presentations
  • posters

The contribution proposals will have to comprise an abstract (5000 characters maximum including spaces) and a short 5-reference bibliography (not included in the character count). Each participant may only submit one proposal (oral presentation or poster). Each contribution will be double-blindly evaluated. After the evaluations, the ICODOC scientific and organizing committees reserve the right to orient proposals toward either of these two formats:

  • Oral presentations will last 30 minutes (20 minutes of presentation + 10 minutes of discussion).
  • Posters will be printed in A0 format with portrait layout. Each participant will have 3 to 5 minutes (depending on the number of selected presentations) to present orally his/her poster in French or in English – during a session that will be planned in the conference program.

Deadline for submissions: December 15th, 2016 on the 

N.B. For foreign and non-financed PhD students who wish to submit a contribution to this conference, a financial subvention may be offered by the ASLAN Labex. In order to apply for this, the participant will have to send in addition to his/her online submission: 1) a letter detailing his/her motivation and justifying the importance of coming to this conference; 2) a CV; 3) a reference letter signed by the participant’s PhD’s director; 4) the above form (ICODOC_Demande-aide-financiere-doctorants-etrangers.docx), to be sent to the following address: The ASLAN commission will then evaluate each financial subvention request and will announce its decision at the same time as the proposals’ notification of acceptance (in February 2017).

Non-exhaustive bibliography

Baker, M., Detienne, F. Lund, K., Séjourné, A. (2009). Étude des profils interactifs dans une situation de conception collective en architecture. In F. Détienne & V. Traverso (Eds.), Méthodologies d'analyse de situations coopératives de conception: Corpus MOSAIC, Nancy : Presses Universitaires de Nancy, pp. 183-220.

Baldry, A., & Thibault, P. (2006). Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis. London/Oakville : Equinox Publishing.

Basso-Fossali, P. (2012). Possibilisation, disproportion, interpénétration. Trois perspectives pour enquêter sur la productivité de la notion de forme de vie en sémiotique. In Actes Sémiotiques 115;

Bateman, J. (2011). The Decomposability of Semiotic Modes. In K. L. O’Halloran & B. A. Smith (Eds.), Multimodal studies : exploring issues and domains, New York : New York Routledge, pp. 17–38.

Béguin, P. & Rabardel, P. (2000). Concevoir pour les activités instrumentées. In Revue d'intelligence artificielle 14 (1-2), pp. 35–54.

Beyeart-Geslin, A. (2012). Sémiotique du design, coll. Formes Sémiotiques, Paris : PUF.

Blanc, N. (2001). Filmimages langage : réflexions sur la conception et l’utilisation de supports pluriels pour l’enseignement du français aux enfants. In : Modernité, diversité, solidarité. Actes du 10e Congrès mondial des professeurs de français, Paris, 17-21 juillet 2000, tome I, FIPF, pp. 481-486.

Blanchet, P. & Chardenet, P. (2011) Guide pour la recherche en didactique des langues et des cultures, Approches contextualisées, Paris : Éditions des archives contemporaines (EAC) en partenariat avec l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).

De Stefani, E. (2011). Ah petta ecco io prendo questi che mi piacciono. Agire come coppia al supermercato. Un approccio conversazionale e multimodale allo studio dei processi decisionali, Roma: Aracne.

Filliettaz, L. (2007). Les ressources discursives de la réflexivité dans un dispositif de formation initiale en FLE.  In Le français dans le monde 41, pp. 158-168.

Fontanille, J. & Zinna, A. (dir.) (2005). Les objets au quotidien, coll. Nouveaux Actes Sémiotiques, Limoges : Presses Universitaires de Limoges.

Gibson, J. J. (1977). The Theory of Affordances. In R. Shaw & J. Bransford (Eds.), Perceiving, Acting, and Knowing. Towards an Ecological Psychology, Hillsdale, NJ : Erlbaum, pp. 127-143.

Gibson, J. J. (1986). The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Boston : Houghton Mifflin.

Kendrick, K. H. & Drew, P. (2016). Recruitment: Offers, Requests, and the Organization of Assis- tance in Interaction. In Research on Language & Social Interaction 49 (1), pp. 1-19.

Landowski, E. (1993). Formes de l’altérité et formes de vie, RS/SI 13 (1-2), pp. 69-80.

Lund, K. (2007). The importance of gaze and gesture in interactive multimodal explanation. International Journal of Language Resources and Evaluation 41 (3-4), pp. 289-303      

Markaki, V. & Rémery, V. (2013), Les dynamiques de coordination dans l’activité tutorale au travail. Les modalités d’accomplissement des schismes interactionnels comme analyseur des processus de hiérarchisation de l’activité des tuteurs. Congrès international de l’Association française de sociologie, Université de Nantes.

Monte, M. (2013),  Les « retours » écrits de l'animateur sur les textes produits en atelier : principes et effets, en collaboration avec C. Robet. In C. Mongenot et V. Houdart-Mérot (dir.), Pratiques d'écriture littéraire à l'université, Paris : Honoré Champion, pp. 359-386.

Nevile M., Haddington P., Heinemann T. & Rauniomaa M. (Eds.) (2014), Interacting with objects: Language, materiality, and social activity. New York : John Benjamins.

Ogiermann, E. (Ed.) (2015), Journal of Pragmatics 82, Special issue on“Object requests: Rights and obligations surrounding object possession and object transfer”.

Perrin-Glorian, M-J., Reuter, Y. (Eds.) (2006), Méthodes de recherche en didactiques. Villeneuve d’Asq : Presses universitaires du septentrion.

Rabardel, P. (1995), Les hommes et les technologies; approche cognitive des instruments contemporains, Paris : Armand Colin.

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