Submission format

We will accept two presentation formats either in French or in English:

  • oral presentations
  • posters

The contribution proposals will have to comprise an abstract (5000 characters maximum including spaces) and a short 5-reference bibliography (not included in the character count). Each participant may only submit one proposal (oral presentation or poster). Each contribution will be double-blindly evaluated. After the evaluations, the ICODOC scientific and organizing committees reserve the right to orient proposals toward either of these two formats: 

  • Oral presentations will last 30 minutes (20 minutes of presentation + 10 minutes of discussion).
  • Posters will be printed in A0 format with portrait layout. Each participant will have 3 to 5 minutes (depending on the number of selected presentations) to present orally his/her poster in French or in English – during a session that will be planned in the conference program.

Deadline for submissions: December 19th, 2016 at 12 am on the website

N.B. For foreign and non-financed PhD students who wish to submit a contribution to this conference, a financial subvention may be offered by the ASLAN Labex. In order to apply for this, the participant will have to send in addition to his/her online submission: 1) a letter detailing his/her motivation and justifying the importance of coming to this conference; 2) a CV; 3) a reference letter signed by the participant’s PhD’s director; 4) the above form (ICODOC_Demande-aide-financiere-doctorants-etrangers.docx), to be sent to the following address: The ASLAN commission will then evaluate each financial subvention request and will announce its decision at the same time as the proposals’ notification of acceptance (in February 2017).

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